These works on canvas from American artist Bisco Smith are from a series entitled 'Only One'. Within the series we see Ocean (blue), Air (grey) and Fire (orange). ‘Only One’ refers to our planet Earth, the one & only. These works were originally created for his solo exhibition at SCOPE Miami 2023. The bottom edge of the canvas is edged with a baseline, a grounding line, which is a reminder for us humans to reflect, respect and care for our one & only, since there is ‘Only One’ planet Earth.
"ONLY ONE / existential explorations, surfaces shift, external observations, planet earth spins. Fires on burn, smoke in the skies, temperature climb, tides on rise / SURVIVAL" /BISCO SMITH
Bisco Smith is an American contemporary artist who is now living and working from Portugal and is recognized for his graffiti-deconstructive approach to abstract expressionism. Utilizing his understanding of space and songwriting from his early years as a graffiti writer, music maker, and graphic designer, Bisco strips his compositions to their fundamental essence of motion and rhythm while channeling the energy of a moment through gestural marks and abstracted, lyrical text. Reimagining the execution of abstract expressionist painting through his unique contemporary lens, Bisco aims to create art that inspires hope for the future.
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The artwork 'CHASE THE DAYS, TIMES FADE AWAY' (2022) by Bisco Smith is part of our collection.
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