Product description
Guido de Boer about his 5mm zine:
"I am very happy to share with you that I am publishing a zine about my 5-mm sketchbook together with Chemistry Publishing. If you follow my work online, you may have noticed that I have been drawing more and more freely over the last year. This happens a lot in simple (HEMA) maths notebooks. I indulge in the vertical and horizontal chequered grid, trying to challenge myself in limitation. I can tell you that it continues to amuse me amazingly. I see it as a dual thing: on the one hand, it's a comfort zone that feels safe etc. on the other, it's a confrontational and challenging mirror I hold up to myself. This contrast is (hopefully) visible in the (some) drawings and in the bits I occasionally write about it while drawing in my studio. Reason enough to release, I thought. Fortunately, Roald from Chemistry Publishing thought so too, and so it happened. The booklet has been designed (by my intern Amy-Lynn Vreman) and produced."
Get to know more about the artist in our STRAAT Studio Talks with Guido de Boer:
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Chemistry Publishing
Guido de Boer - 5mm zine