Antigoon, born in 1983 in the Netherlands, merges engineering and art by designing machines that craft intricate geometric patterns, often influenced by typography. Among his inventive tools are custom-built ink plotters, contraptions that burnish gunpowder, and devices that blow powder pigment onto canvas with cannon-like precision. This interplay between mechanical precision and raw materiality introduces a captivating tension between automation and the artist’s human touch. Inspired by urban machinery and socially charged data, Antigoon’s creations emerge from a “dance with the machines,” where these diverse tools actively shape the final artwork.
Graffitecture - Typographic Blueprints - February 14th - May 18th, 2025 @ STRAAT
Interested in this work? Please contact us with any questions or for a shipping quote.
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- Dit kunstwerk wordt verzonden nadat de tentoonstelling Graffitecture: Typographic Blueprint eindigt (18 mei, 2025).
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Recente artikelen
STRAAT Gallery
ANTIGOON - Flagrare #6