Kaplan Bunce - Four Directions Prayer

    STRAAT Museum Kaplan Bunce - Four Directions Prayer


    Product description

    Kaplan Bunce, Apache wood-worker, and a mural artist, was born and raised in Washington State. Since he moved to Kaua’i, Hawaii over a decade ago, Bunce has experienced a steady affinity with Hawaiian cultures because they share similar qualities with mainland indigenous tribes, such as unification through culture, language, and oral traditions following a history of colonization.

    Bunce, whose Apache heritage is tied to Albuquerque, New Mexico, supports his Native heritage by dancing in powwows, raising his two daughters while instilling knowledge of their tribal identities, and reconnecting to indigenous spirituality through the Native American Church.

    “My life has changed dramatically in a good way,” he said of the effect of indigenous religious traditions on his soul. “My artwork comes from that ceremony.” Bunce is a veteran participant in the world renown mural event program POW-WOW and has been both a bridge and communicative advocate for the event which has to address appropriation concerns over its name.

    Bunce believes in progressing forward and continues to support self-actualization and reclamation of the indigenous identity alongside his family in Hawaii.


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